Areti Bank signs the “Commitment of Financial Health and Inclusion”

Areti Bank signs the “Financial Health and Inclusion Commitment”. This agreement ratifies our interest to create and maintain a more inclusive society, based on human dignity and the creation of shared prosperity for current and future generations.

“We are committed to generating products, services and relationships that facilitate the necessary changes to promote universal financial inclusion. We believe in the positive impact of creating a bank that supports the financial health of its customers,” says Dimas Palmar, CEO of Areti Bank.

The signing of the Financial Health and Inclusion Commitment of the United Nations Environment Program Financial Initiative, seeks to forge opportunities for everyone to access the benefits of financial products and services in terms of savings, loans, investment, insurance and credit counseling.

Through the signing of this agreement, Areti Bank assumes the responsibility of providing support to unbanked, underbanked and ex-banked segments of the population and small and medium-sized enterprises to manage their monetary resources.

“We are a digital bank, hence we already are an inclusive financial institution. Also, we are committed to establishing financial inclusion mechanisms at the international level, with models that avoid the risk of discrimination when offering services for financially excluded groups in our society. The approach of the commitment we have signed, also allows us to develop actions under a systemic vision with a positive impact on millions of people around the world”, emphasizes Yasmina Vucina, Chief Sustainability Officer y SVP Strategic Partnerships.

The Financial Health and Inclusion Commitment guides financial institutions around the world on how to align their core business with the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Especially with SDGs 1, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 17 related to: ending poverty, gender equality, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, reducing inequalities and establishing partnerships for the goals.


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